Purchase Conditions
The stated reward is only applicable for new AA Home insurance customers only. Existing AA home insurance customers are not eligible. You will receive a higher reward when purchasing AA Home Insurance building & contents together. You will only be rewarded on AA Home Insurance if bought through the link on this page. Rewards will be rejected on other products bought through this link. No rewards are given if a saved quote is used or obtained from the AA. You must generate a new quote and make the purchase immediately online. All rewards are given 90 - 120 days from the policy start date but sometimes it may take longer time. Rewards will not be awarded if the policy is cancelled or in arrears at the time of validation.
Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).
AA Home insurance offers three types of home insurance to choose from – buildings insurance, contents insurance, and combined buildings and contents insurance.
Reasons to choose AA Home Insurance:
• Flexible levels of contents cover, starting from £40,000
• Unlimited buildings cover for homes worth up to £1 million
• £45,000 alternative accommodation cover if your home can't be lived in due to an insured event
• Accidental damage cover for non-portable gas and electrical items – eg TV or washing machine
• Up to £3,000 cover for items stolen from outbuildings/garages
• New home insurance customers can add AA roadside breakdown cover for a year from just £20.
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