Here is the page of Scottish Power retailer
Scottish Power
Scottish Power

Scottish Power

Retailer Notice

This retailer is temporarily unavailable but we hope to have them back soon.

Earn 6,400 points on 12 month Dual Fuel tariffs. Earn 2,400 points on 12 and 24 month Single Fuel tariffs.
Stated reward is for 24 month or 30 month fixed Dual Fuel tariffs. You will earn a lower reward for 24 month or 30 month fixed Single Fuel tariffs. No rewards given if a voucher code is used.

Rewards are usually validated within 90 to 120 days from contract start date but sometimes it may take longer time.
Rewards are not calculated on postage / handling / delivery costs or associated purchase taxes in your region (This may include but not be limited to VAT, GST etc).

About Scottish Power

At ScottishPower we’re proud that all our new fixed price tariffs provide 100% renewable electricity. We generate it ourselves here in the UK, 100% from wind. Join us today and help cut carbon. After you join ScottishPower, refer your friends and get an account credit (for both you and your friend) for every successful referral.